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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Earthquake in Italy: Community level

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L'aquila, Italy.

At the time of writing this there are more than 250 dead, and more expected to be discovered. More than 28'000 are now homeless with nothing left to go back to. And to make matters worse countless old historic sites and buildings are lost forever in what can only be described as a tragedy.

Rescue efforts were halted for a few hours as aftershocks hit the area, sending fear back into the residents of L'aquila. Many people were afraid to sleep indoors and found open areas to make tents or make shift shelters, many slept in their cars.

Search dogs and robots are being used to locate survivors, but so far it has been mostly the dead who are being found. Efforts to find people go on through the night, the citizens of L'aquila hold a lot of hope and look ahead to a slow recovery for their town.

Many Edmonton families have relatives in the effected areas of Italy, so far there have been no reports of anyone dying that is related to a local family.

This service at the church here in Edmonton was held to remember the dead and pray for the people who will have to fight back in order to gain some ground in their new life, many being left homeless and with great loss.

Italian Earthquake Service

Italian Earthquake Service

Italian Earthquake Service

Italian Earthquake Service

Italian Earthquake Service

Italian Earthquake Service

Italian Earthquake Service

Italian Earthquake Service

Italian Earthquake Service

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